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Bethel Park Girls Softball

Code of Conduct / Terms & Conditions

BPGSA Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians

  • I (and my guests) will conduct myself responsibly at all practices and games.
  • I will remember that the game is about the players and not the parents.
  • I will be a positive role model at all times and promote good sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy to all players, coaches, game officials and other spectators throughout every event.
  • I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • I will, and also demand that my child will treat other players, coaches, game officials and spectators with respect at all times.
  • I will discourage any behavior or actions that would endanger the health and well being of any player.
  • I will not condone the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products by any player at any time.
  • I (and my guests) will not smoke within at least 50 feet of any playing field or practice facility during games or practices.
  • I will place the emotional and physical well being of the players ahead of my personal desire to win.
  • I will never publicly ridicule or chastise my child, other players, other spectators, any coaches, or game officials.
  • I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any player, coach, game official, or spectators.  This includes abusive language or gestures directed at any of the above-named persons.
  • I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during practices or games.  I acknowledge that only persons with proper clearances are permitted on the field, bench or dugout during practices or games.
  • I understand that to qualify for a Head Coach/Manager or Assistant Coach position, that I must be the parent/guardian of a girl on the team, unless approved by the board.
  • I understand that if I am ejected from a game by an umpire, I may be requested not to attend future BPGSA events


I, parent or guardian of the above-named candidate for a position on a Bethel Park Girls Softball Association team, hereby given approval for her participation in any and all league activities during the 2021 season.  I realize and understand that my child may be at risk of injury while participating in physical activity.  I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including, but not limited to, transportation to and from the activities, on behalf of my child and myself.  It is my specific intent by signature below to hold the Bethel Park Girls Softball Association, its trustees, officers, agents, organizers, sponsors, supervisors, managers, coaches, participants and persons transporting the players to and from activities, harmless. I further hereby release, waive, absolve, indemnify and forever discharge the Bethel Park Girls Softball Association, its trustees, officers, agents, organizers, sponsors, supervisors, managers, coaches, participants, and persons transporting the players to and from activities, from any and all liability for any and all injury suffered related to my child’s participation or attendance at any activity associated herewith.

I also grant permission to managing personnel or other league representatives to authorize and obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or medical clinic should the player become ill or injured while participating in league activities away from home, or at other times when neither parent is available to grant authorization for emergency treatment.

I will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above-named candidate upon request by league officials.

I understand that all registration fees are final, no refunds will be provided except for medical reasons.  A request for refund due to medical reasons shall be in writing and accompanied by a written statement from a medical doctor identifying the problem and verifying the child is unable to participate.

I, parent or guardian, do hereby approve the use of pictures of the above-named candidate for use on the BPGSA web site located at

Bethel Park Girls Softball Association

PO Box 264 
Bethel Park, Pennsylvania 15102
Email : [email protected]
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